êkhô is a graphic design and art direction studio. Most of our project are in Marseille (FR), Geneva (CH) and Barcelona (ES)

êkhô is an art direction and graphic design studio. We work with

Design of the 10th anniversary publication of the Law Clinic (University of Geneva).

Covering the topics addressed by the Law Clinic on the rights of vulnerable individuals, this magazine brings together contributions from alumni·ae·x, individuals affected, associations and legal professionals.

Playground is a new play space, free and open to everyone. It is a collaboration between MAMCO, Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève, and Centre de la photographie Genève (CPG).

sapid is an interior design studio run by Cecile-Diama Samb and Michael Piderit. Their practice ranges from objects to small-scale architecture. They work between Switzerland and the US. 

Le Fesses-tival (“the f-ass-tival”) Geneva that offers, defends and promotes a positive, inclusive and non-binary vision of sexualities. In 2023, the festival's theme centered around fire.

For questions and new projects:
email us at info(@)ekhostudio.com
Marseille(FR)  Barcelona(ES)  Genève(CH)